Location: Nevada National Security Site, NV
Client: Mission Support and Test Services LLC as Prime to US DOE
In 2021, MES was awarded a multiple year, task order-based Design/Build subcontract under Mission Support and Test Services for the “Area 12 Mining” project at the Nevada National Security Site.
This project scope for MES involves geotechnical and ventilation engineering, comparative mining alternatives studies, underground core drilling for geotechnical analysis design of underground excavations and ancillary facilities, and precision excavation access tunnels in support of the national security mission of the National Nuclear Security Agency.
First phase contract value is $33 Million.
Contract award was based 60% on technical score, 30% on price and 10% on past performance rating. MES received an Outstanding rating on technical and past performance and provided an acceptable price.
MES subcontractors include CWF, LLC for geotechnical engineering services, Respec for ventilation engineering.
As of July 2024, MES has completed all Phase 1 Design and Phase 1 access tunnel construction, and geotechnical core drilling to support Phase 2 design. Geotechnical engineering and ventilation studies are continuing.
This project demonstrates:
- Repeat engagement by same large Prime defense contractor
- Growth of MES’ role with the client to include planning studies and design services as well as tunnel mining