Cheyenne Mountain Air Force Station – New Adit Feasibility Study
Client: HB & A for US Air Force
Location: Colorado, United States

In 2004, MES was contracted to perform the feasibility for a new tunnel to provide an alternate access route and space for a decontamination chamber for this underground defense facility. Work involved addressing geotechnical, environmental, health and safety, operational, ventilation, power, debris removal, access, security, blasting, and other construction feasibility concerns as well as providing preliminary drawings and a cost estimate.

The study scope included the construction of a new tunnel, including the blasting of rock for a tunnel entering between the two main blast doors, at a distance of not more than 10 feet and within 20 feet of critical utilities and security infrastructure at the other end.

MES researched ACOE and USBM technical literature from the original facility construction to determine the frequency response to blasting. Sub-consultant Gordon Revey, P.E. used modern regression methods on the historic seismography data to derive a more accurate site seismic constant and developed preliminary shot designs.

MES in-house staff worked with sub-consultants Don Deere, P.E. and Dr. Christoph Goss, P.E. on tunnel geotechnical issues and on the production of the preliminary drawings.
