Health, Safety and Environmental Program Overview
MES recognizes that outstanding Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE) performance is essential to the welfare of our employees, clients, subcontractors and members of the public.
We maintain a high level of HSE performance through awareness and training programs, strict adherence to written plans and procedures, reducing at-risk behaviors and ensuring proper management and investigation of all incidents.
MES management is fully committed to providing proper funding and staff resources for a robust HSE program, training, and compliance.
•MSHA contractor ID number is A116.
•MES employs three MSHA-certified instructors. Certified training topics include Surface, Underground, First Aid, and Mine Rescue.
•MES has its own MSHA-approved Training plan.
•Only two MSHA citations in 14 years of operation, of which 1 was vacated upon review. The other one was non-S&S.
•MES has a well-developed and formally documented Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) Program, which includes:
◦ HSE Management System, which includes regular HSE Committee Meetings, and Annual HSE Goals.
◦ Degreed mining engineer dedicated to HSE oversight.
◦ Project-specific safety analysis is conducted and specific HSE plans are developed for all new projects.
◦ HSE Manual includes MSHA approved HAZCOM Plan, Hearing Conservation Program, and Industrial Hygiene Monitoring Policy, and 30+ major topic areas.
◦ MES rewards those employees who show exemplary performance with regard to HSE with HSE specific recognition and bonuses, and provides disciplinary action for those who are non-compliant with HSE requirements.
◦ Audited by major industrial clients’ safety departments and compliance review agencies (Browz and IsNetWorld).
◦ Every employee is trained on the HSE manual prior to initial job assignment, and re-trained as required. Training in project-specific plans is documented. Applicable MSHA and/or OSHA training is provided as required by work assignment.
◦ MES has a rigorous Alcohol and Drug policy, including pre-employment, pre-assignment, reasonable suspicion, DOT-specific, and post-incident testing.
•MES has two employees who are currently active with the Colorado Front Range Mine Rescue Team.
•Safety Record:
◦Despite the high risk elements inherent in its work, MES has never incurred a permanently disabling injury or fatality since the company was formed in 1995, and MES has not had a lost time injury in over 5 years.
◦Current (11/09) worker’s comp. Experience Modification Rating = 0.94