Equity Mine – Underground Mine Re-opening
Client: Rio Grande Silver (a subsidiary of Hecla)
Location: Creede, CO, United States
MES was retained in June 2011 to assist with MSHA submittals, open and repair buried portals, rehabilitate approximately 9000′ feet of underground mine workings, install new utilities, including a complete 13.8K/480V electrical system, perform drill/blast excavation to develop drill stations and sumps, and operate the facility to host core drilling activity.
Ground support methods used include bolts, mesh, straps, and shotcrete, as well as timbering through an extensive collapse. Under several extensions to the original contract, MES continued to operate the facility, on a 24 hour a day, 7 days a week basis, supporting core drilling activity, continuing to advance rehabilitation and utility extensions, and drilling and blasting of additional core drill stations as required, through the completion of the exploration program in March 2013.
Work also included inspection and securement of 3 bored raises with deteriorated ladders, each about 350′ long. Safety considerations included formal peer-reviewed risk assessment and establishing an onsite rope rescue team as a precursor for safe access. A key part of this project was the training and utilization of local labor for the majority of the workforce.